I'm the best kind of comfortable right now. I'm warm, I'm satiated and my hair is swept up in a Pepples Flintstone ponytail. All I need is a puppy, a thunderstorm to keep me inside and some sort of beverage and I'd be set. A robot butler at my beck and call wouldn't hurt, either.
Well, blog, lots and little has happened since we last spoke. Here are some highlights.
1) I did pretty good in a beer pong tournament. I dressed like an iconic author.
2) I saw my dream Cirque de Soliel show with my dream date, Paige.
Turns out, all I needed was "Love."
It was outstanding in every way. I was sad to see Paige back to Michigan.
3) I went to a hardcore country bar. My friend said I looked like I was in a foreign country. I mean, I have listened to country music but I had never seen anything that intense.
I was enamored by the dancing. They just all knew what to do and kept going around and around and around and .... ACK. I was mesmerized.
4) The next night, we played bingo at one of the seedier casinos. We were two giggly girls among legions of focused players. But we adopted a mentor, Ann, who helped us keep our cards straight and bingos in a row. We could have used some good-luck trolls. Didn't bring home any cold hard cash or aging fellas. Lose, lose.
Note: The lovely visor is my editor's and rests on his desk. I felt it would be appropriate for a night of bingo and he happily let me borrow it.
5) Thanks to 32 inches of snow falling on Mt. Charleston, curiosity and resentment that I never learned the sport, I tried snowboarding.
I fell many, many times. Cursed myself many, many times. Couldn't get up many, many times. Thanked my wonderful friends for not leaving me to die many, many times.
Despite doing good things in my lesson and on the bunny hill, I got a little over-confident and paid dearly when I couldn't get off my butt on the intermediate hill.
It left me so sore, though. I felt like I had just stood there and allowed someone to smack me repeatedly with the smooth side of the board.
Verdict: Frustrating as it was, I want to go again. This time, I will know my limits and practice more on the easy hill.
6) Now for the saddest part of the post.
The only feline I have ever loved passed away Sunday. Babe, 1991-2009.
I already miss him napping on my stomach, begging for food and sauntering around the house. A big presence is missing. I have some other photos and videos of that little rascal but this will suffice.
There you go, a six-pack of updates. I wrote a lot of stories and drank a lot of pints in between but who cares about that?