Friday, April 24, 2009

Monkey fighting?

Samuel El Jackson is mad as hell and he's not gonna take it anymore.

Monkey fighting is just out of control in our friendly skies.

Below is that famous line from that famous flick we all know (but might not love) edited for your TV-viewing pleasure.

Please, indulge.

(Samuel El Jackson, tee hee. A pun)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I heart you, Earth

Instead of waxing lyrical about what I will do to improve my Mother Earth today, I made a smart-ass list. Wanna hear it? Here it goes.

"You say it's your Earth Day. It's my Earth Day, too."

"(You can't deny) A Woman's Earth."

"Dear Earth, what have you done for me lately?"

"This Earth is hot, hot, hot."

"I like to Earth Day, Earth Day."

"Hey World, my love for you is sustainable."

"There is cake in the break room for Earth Day and it tastes like dirt."

"Earth, you dirty girl. Have some class. It's your day."

"God is a deejay and he is spinnin' that Earth record so hard today."

"My styrofoam cup over-flowith with love for my Earth."

"Lets get ready to Earrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrth Daaaaaaaaaaaaay."

That concludes my pointless list wasting your time. Go Green!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Here's the story of a bad blogger

I'm still in Vegas. I'm not hired yet. Frustrating, yes, but I don't make the decisions, the rules or the doughnuts.

I'm the same girl as always, I just pay my student loans back now. It's like Maggie 2.0 plus a moderate-to-low interest rate.

If you want to read my random jibba jabba, follow me on Twitter (maggielillis). That's where I lurk as of late.

Here is a picture of my now three-legged god dog, Gus.