About three weeks ago, the city editor asked if I would be willing to adopt a new 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. schedule so we could have someone scour night news and be available to post things to the Web on pace with our competitors. Sans editor, they were essentially handing Nevada’s largest newspaper over to their 22-year-old intern for three hours in the morning. Was this trust or a bitch move to the eager young person who has no family or otherwise consuming personal circumstances? That is a loaded question for which I’m still looking for an answer.
It took like two days for the shock to wear off. Now I’m to accentuating the positives of this new arrangement. So, in no particular order, here is why having a bedtime, too much responsibility and a screwed up eating schedule doesn’t entirely suck.
1. Sunrises over the mountains
2. Nobody is on the road when I drive in
3. I get the best parking spot
4. It’s very cool and calm in the morning
5. All of my east coast friends are on gchat anyway
6. I watch all of the morning news programs and music videos while sitting at my editor’s desk
7. I get the newsroom to myself (Risky business)
8. I get bigger, better stories for the day because I see them first
9. I technically get to leave at 3 p.m. but it never happens
10. I’m ROLLING in overtime hours. I hate forfeiting my stories and just choose to stay.
11. I’ve seen the Burger King people manually switch the menu from late night to breakfast menu
12. No traffic on the way home
13. I can get to the gym and grocery store when they're dead
14. Sympathy from my coworkers
15. One of the best resume builders I could ever ask for