Thursday, September 4, 2008

May it be so noted

I'm considering donating my body to science after I die.

I want to know how I lived so long (or at all) on snack foods and occasional exercise. Plus, the Splenda tumor I will have from all this soda will be one for the record books.

Take today for instance. I started the day with a bowl of Cheerios. Great, grand.

The rest of the day was a slippery slope of crackers, Fig Newtons and Doritos all washed down with my life fuel, Diet Coke. I blame our cafeteria for not ordering any oranges or bananas this week. I have expressed my rage. to them.

Tonight doesn't fare well, either. I have a four and a half hour drive ahead and I can't really teeter a salad on my lap as I dream my way into California.

So if I die, figure out how I lived at all.

1 comment:

kimba said...

this makes me think of the wendys snack wrap commercials - thats what you need in a 4 hour car ride to LA.