Sunday, June 22, 2008

I bow to eyebrow threading

To any male readers, this post may bore you to tears. I won't take offense if you stop reading.

To my female readers, this post will change your facial hair removal routine and end your tears. I'll accept thanks later.

On Saturday, I decided I needed to address my eyebrow situation. I'm a big fan of "tidy" facial hair on myself and others, but I get frustrated easily when dealing with my eyebrows. I can ensure I don't have a unibrow painlessly but when I move on to pluck a scultped brow, I usually wince in pain, cuss and tear up. This doesn't last though, because I give up and figure I'll cover my left eyebrow with my side-bang.

I don't mind waxing, although it hurts like a mofo, but I don't know of a legit place to get it done here. So Saturday, I thought I would try eyebrow threading, an Indian method of hair removal in which a twisted piece of thread "pinches" about five or six hairs out a time. I did a little research and went across town to a reknown threading salon.

Now, the name of the place, Eyebrows R Us, was a big of a turnoff. However, their reputation and $7 charge were a big turn on. If I really hated it, I wasn't wasting money.

I had to wait forever. The waiting room was packed with all kinds of people, including this cranky Gremlin of a woman with a knee brace and scrunchy, and the only reading material was a business review from India and The Bible.

When I finally got my turn, the petite woman sat me down and didn't say much as she wiped oil away from my brows with a cotton ball and started wrapping a red string around her fingers. I had to hold the skin around my eyebrow taught as she got to work. Her movements were so fluid and calculated. With this wrist snaps, she pinched full rows of hair out. The pain was so minimal that I asked if she would get my upper lip, heck it was only $4 more.

The procedure lasted 6 minutes, tops, and it was worth every penny. I am reformed.

My before and after pictures are pretty botched but rest assured the man eyebrows that so strongly run in my mom's side of the family were tamed. Here is a video demonstration, this may not be an Indian woman but her British accent is just delightful.

Here is my threading plug (pun!), find a threader in your area. You won't be sorry.


Jacob said...

I definitely stopped reading after about two graphs.

kimba said...

that takes some crazy talent!!! thanks for the write up.